Blogs - 20230919 - Yoswit @ Shanghai Smart Home Technology 2023

Blogs - 20230919 - Yoswit @ Shanghai Smart Home Technology 2023

Thank you for visiting our booth...

News - Exhibitions - 20230916 - Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2023

News - Exhibitions - 20230916 - Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2023

We cordially invite you to visit us in the coming exhibitions.Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2023, 27 - 30 October, Hong Kong..

Blog - 20230324 - 嶺勤科技榮獲國家高新技術企業證書

Blog - 20230324 - 嶺勤科技榮獲國家高新技術企業證書

經過一系列部門專家評審,視頻路演,線上辯答等嚴謹的審核流程,本公司的後裝式智能家居/智能酒店方案成功獲取國家高新技術企業證書。 非常感謝各部門對本公司項目的支持和認可,我們將虛心接納評審對我們項目的意見,在日後開發智能家居/酒店產品下,務求精益求精。..

Blogs - 20200228 - Yoswit Are Now On Amazon Alexa's Platform

Blogs - 20200228 - Yoswit Are Now On Amazon Alexa's Platform

After serval integrations and developments, Yoswit can now be found on Amazon Alexa's platform...

News - 20200125 - InnoCell is projected to open at the end of 2020

News - 20200125 - InnoCell is projected to open at the end of 2020

The Smart Home and Smart Access Control Projects of InnoCell were awarded to Yoswit in September last year. InnoCell is a smart living and co-creation building for residential and commercial use. It is believed that InnoCell will become the smartest building in Hong Kong and Yoswit is taking pa..

News - Exhibitions - 20191016 - Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2019

News - Exhibitions - 20191016 - Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2019

We cordially invite you to visit us in the coming exhibitions.Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2019, 27 - 30 October, Hong Kong..

Blogs - 20190326 - Yoswit @ 香港科學園 - 創出香港

Blogs - 20190326 - Yoswit @ 香港科學園 - 創出香港

Thank you for visiting our booth...

Blogs - 20181127 - Yoswit @ 2018 上海國際智能家居展覽會

Blogs - 20181127 - Yoswit @ 2018 上海國際智能家居展覽會

Thank you for visiting our booth...

Blogs - 20180820 - Yoswit @ Hong Kong International Airport "Smart Living" Display

Blogs - 20180820 - Yoswit @ Hong Kong International Airport "Smart Living" Display

The display area is near Gate 30 in Hong Kong International Airport...

Blogs - 20180409 - Yoswit @ 2018香港資訊及通訊科技獎

Blogs - 20180409 - Yoswit @ 2018香港資訊及通訊科技獎

Mob-Mob智能語音應用程式開放平台可透過廣東話指令操控我們屢獲殊榮的YOSWIT DIY藍牙智能控制系統。我們創新的專利方案,可令你善用備用的手機作為家中的智能中樞,既環保、簡單而又功能強大。..

Blogs - 2017111301 - Yoswit 智能燈光控制方案 @ 香港秋季燈飾展

Blogs - 2017111301 - Yoswit 智能燈光控制方案 @ 香港秋季燈飾展

Thank you for visiting our booth. YOSWIT continued its previous success and staged as a major exhibitor with two themed sections at the Hall of Aurora. They included the smart lighting and smart living to cater different industry needs...

Blogs - 2017100901 - Yoswit @ 貿發局新聞發佈會

Blogs - 2017100901 - Yoswit @ 貿發局新聞發佈會

We are cordially invite you to visit us in the coming exhibitions.Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2017, 27 - 30 October, Hong KongHall of Aurora1E-D28 to 1E-D30..

Blogs - 2017081701 - 實惠攜手Yoswit締造智能家居新體驗

Blogs - 2017081701 - 實惠攜手Yoswit締造智能家居新體驗

Yoswit的現已安裝於實惠家匠門店及陳列室,大家可到場體驗Yoswit DIY智能家居系列產品。- 實惠家居是香港最具規模的家居用品專門店,致力為香港家庭提供獨特而富「生活智慧」的一站式家居解決方案,為顧客創造空間,以提升家居生活質素。..

Blogs - 2017072801 - 在中電可體驗YoswitDIY 智能家居系列產品

Blogs - 2017072801 - 在中電可體驗YoswitDIY 智能家居系列產品

Yoswit的展板現已在中電展出,大家可體驗Yoswit DIY智能家居系列產品- 中電集團是亞太區具領導地位的能源行業投資者及營運商..

Blogs - 2017071801 - 在實惠家匠北角店可體驗Yoswit啦!

Blogs - 2017071801 - 在實惠家匠北角店可體驗Yoswit啦!

想體驗Yoswit DIY智能家居系列產品?現在可以在實惠家匠的北角店即時試玩及下單購買!沙田展廳即快將於七月下旬開幕,期待您的光臨體驗。..

Blogs - 2017040701 - Upcoming event - RISE 2017

Blogs - 2017040701 - Upcoming event - RISE 2017

Yoswit is going to join the RISE Conference. See you there! For more detail about the event, please visit: - RISE 2017 - July 11-13, Hong Kong‎..

Blogs - 2017031301 - Yoswit is in the process of production!

Blogs - 2017031301 - Yoswit is in the process of production!

Yoswit is in the process of production. We are waiting for the final testing result from our manufacturer. Thank you for your patience and you guys will get the REAL product on your hand soon!..

Blogs - 2015090801 - Colin has been invited to join as speaker in the conference

Blogs - 2015090801 - Colin has been invited to join as speaker in the conference

In view of recent IoT applications and their great development potential, the HKTDC will organise a full‐day conference..

Blogs - 2017021002 - Interview with HKTDC

Blogs - 2017021002 - Interview with HKTDC

Learn about the latest trends and developments in the IoT sector at a conference to be held during the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair, 13 October, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Find out from leading tech..

Blogs - 2017021001 - Colin has been invited to join as speaker in the conference

Blogs - 2017021001 - Colin has been invited to join as speaker in the conference

Colin has been invited to join as speaker in the conference of “Technology Opportunities for Brunei Darussalam”..

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