Media - 20191114 - 港科企為燈泡添智能 加設轉換器 手機調光暗

Media - 20191114 - 港科企為燈泡添智能 加設轉換器 手機調光暗


News - Exhibitions - 20191016 - Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2019

News - Exhibitions - 20191016 - Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2019

We cordially invite you to visit us in the coming exhibitions.Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2019, 27 - 30 October, Hong Kong..

Media - 20190625 - 天神村科技故事 智能酒店

Media - 20190625 - 天神村科技故事 智能酒店


Media - 20190625 - 企業雄才 - 擁抱物聯網

Media - 20190625 - 企業雄才 - 擁抱物聯網

「物聯網」被視為繼電腦及互聯網後, 信息產業發展的第三浪潮, 為人類 生活帶來巨大轉變。有傳統代工廠洞悉到智能手機普及化和物聯網所帶來 的市場潛力, 6 年前開始轉型研發智能家居產品, 並成功建立品牌。..

Media - 20190625 - 科技園5創業培育計劃公司 產品提升生活質素

Media - 20190625 - 科技園5創業培育計劃公司 產品提升生活質素


Media - 20190329 - 一換即用藍牙燈掣 極速打造智能空間

Media - 20190329 - 一換即用藍牙燈掣 極速打造智能空間


Blogs - 20190326 - Yoswit @ 香港科學園 - 創出香港

Blogs - 20190326 - Yoswit @ 香港科學園 - 創出香港

Thank you for visiting our booth...

Blogs - 20181127 - Yoswit @ 2018 上海國際智能家居展覽會

Blogs - 20181127 - Yoswit @ 2018 上海國際智能家居展覽會

Thank you for visiting our booth...

Media - 20180821 - 5 Hong Kong tech companies that are powering the world more efficiently

Media - 20180821 - 5 Hong Kong tech companies that are powering the world more efficiently

Solutions developed locally are enabling us to take a smarter approach to use electricity, with a greater degree of efficiency..

Blogs - 20180820 - Yoswit @ Hong Kong International Airport "Smart Living" Display

Blogs - 20180820 - Yoswit @ Hong Kong International Airport "Smart Living" Display

The display area is near Gate 30 in Hong Kong International Airport...

顯示 11 到 20 個 (共 242 個) - (共 25 頁)


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