Blogs - 2015090801 - Colin has been invited to join as speaker in the conference

Blogs - 2015090801 - Colin has been invited to join as speaker in the conference

In view of recent IoT applications and their great development potential, the HKTDC will organise a full‐day conference..



There are a bunch of things that have changed in the last couple of decades. Internet has become lightning quick, online business has grown exponentially and smartphones have forever changed the way products are conceived..

Media - 2016122601 - Yoswit, Kontrol Lampu Rumah dengan Bluetooth

Media - 2016122601 - Yoswit, Kontrol Lampu Rumah dengan Bluetooth

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Siapa bilang saat ini Anda harus menggunakan saklar untuk mengoperasikan lampu? Tentu saja tidak bagi Yoswit, sebuah produk rumah pintar yang membantu Anda mengontrol lampu dengan koneksi Bluetooth. Karena pada abad ke-21, Anda tidak perlu bangun untuk menyesuaikan pencah..

Media - 2017010202 - Yoswit, los interruptores inteligentes que funcionan con Bluetooth

Media - 2017010202 - Yoswit, los interruptores inteligentes que funcionan con Bluetooth

Los interruptores conectados a una red local son un elemento imprescindible de todo hogar inteligente que se precie de serlo. Habitualmente se trata de elementos que se comunican a través de una red WiFi en segundo plano, aunque hay excepciones como Yoswit, un modelo que trabaja utilizando enlaces B..

Blogs - 2017021002 - Interview with HKTDC

Blogs - 2017021002 - Interview with HKTDC

Learn about the latest trends and developments in the IoT sector at a conference to be held during the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair, 13 October, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Find out from leading tech..

Blogs - 2017021001 - Colin has been invited to join as speaker in the conference

Blogs - 2017021001 - Colin has been invited to join as speaker in the conference

Colin has been invited to join as speaker in the conference of “Technology Opportunities for Brunei Darussalam”..

Media - 2017020201 - Yoswit 便携温控器

Media - 2017020201 - Yoswit 便携温控器

Yoswit 便携温控器是世界上第一款便携式智能遥控器与温控器,在家庭居室、出租房、民宿、酒店等任何地方都能使用红外线和蓝牙进行连接,还提供有10个有用的小工具功能,让你随时随地..

Blogs - 2017012702 - Happy Chinese New Year!

Blogs - 2017012702 - Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year!..

Blogs - 2016012701 - We are get funded on both campaign!

Blogs - 2016012701 - We are get funded on both campaign!

Thank you very much for supporting Yoswit! The campaign has been successfully funded with your support! ..

Media - 2016012401 - 萬用遙控小盒 一鍵開關全屋家電

Media - 2016012401 - 萬用遙控小盒 一鍵開關全屋家電

【明報專訊】現代家電,為求方便多設紅外線遙控功能,例如電視、Blu-ray播放器、冷氣機、機頂盒、音響設備等,雖然方便,但一屋都是遙控器,每次得花時間找出合用的一個,倒不如按機身開關更快。初創公司嶺勤科技開發的Yoswit Portable IR Hub,只要一個裝置配合手機專用App,即可控制全屋家電;更可設定不同模式,出門前按一個掣便可關上所有家電,相當方便。..

Showing 41 to 50 of 196 (20 Pages)

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